
—About Me—

The story behind the camera

Juampi Gemelli

Traveler | Photographer


Ever since I remember I had a fascination for traveling to remote places, driven by the feeling of adventure and curiosity. 

As time passed by, fascination turned into an irresistible desire of exploring the world, never again as a tourist, but as a traveler. Seeking for new encounters and willing to learn from people with different customs, ideologies and beliefs, I started a journey that would probably last forever.

once I READ:

“More than just exotic locations and wild adventures, travel photography is about seeing our surroundings from a different perspective... with childlike enthusiasm.”

Sometimes it's hard to remember when did I start with photography. At first, it was simply to record memories that you don’t want ever to forget; but eventually it evolved into something more – a passion. I began to feel I could expand my art by looking beyond and capturing emotions out of every scene. Sharing with others the globe´s charm, and most importantly, telling the stories that lay behind each person; definitely took my travels to the next level. I've learned that there are some unique moments in life that go beyond their nature. Those where none of your individual senses are enough to make you feel... but together.

From submerging in the sound of buddhist's prayers, to the melody of the wind at the summit of the Himalayas; from the most sophisticated flavoUrs of the spicy Indian cuisine, to the fulfilling taste of sharing whatever you may have with others that have less; from the striking beauty OF icelandic wild LANDSCAPES that will leave you speechless, to the universal language of laugh that unite us all - I choose to travel to see and learn from from a different perspective... and always with childlike enthusiasm.

I built this space to SHARE MY ART, AND TO be the eyes of many and the voice of many more.

I hopE You can follow me in my next adventures.

... who knows what can We See, Beyond Looking.